Expenditure over £500 - 2023-2024
Annual Audit and Accounts:
Annual Internal Audit Report - AGAR - pg3
Annual Governance Statement - AGAR - pg4
Accounting Statements - AGAR - pg5
External Auditor's Report and Certificate - AGAR - pg6
Notice of Public Rights and Publication of unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Return
Each year the Town Council creates a budget. The budget is a calculation of the money neeed to provide its services less any income it expects to receive from fees and charges such as rents and grants. This leaves the amount required to spend on services and any capital projects which are planned for the year ahead.
The precept is the amount it levies on the Unitary Council (Bath & North East Somerset Council). It is collected by them as a proportion of the total Council Tax paid by Radstock households.
For futher information click below:
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and Secton 106 (S106) Funds are recieved as contributions from development to support and improve infrastructure.
Detail of funds recieved and spent during each year is reported below: